Embed a video collection

Two simple ways embed a collection of Capsule content into your website: embed code & iframe

A quick and easy way to get started with embed codes is in your Capsule Dashboard, by clicking the ··· menu on a Collection, and selecting Embed

Basic Usage

The simplest form of the embed code will display a grid with your Capsule content, and inherits colors/styles from your Capsule:

      slug: "your-capsule-slug",
      el: document.currentScript.parentElement

The slug is your subdomain (e.g. your-capsule-slug.capsule.video) or, in the case of a custom domain, the domain replacing "." with "-" (e.g. www-yourdomain-com). Feel free to use demo-pro for integration testing.

Additional Parameters

Various parameters can be added to control what content is displayed and how it's presented:

      slug: "your-capsule-slug",
      el: "#your-div-id",
      category: "some-category-name",
      contentSlugs: ["yIxKz6N2nlrn", "R_ONI1r1nloy"],
      cols: 4,
      mobileCols: 2,
      maxItems: 10,
      cta: false,
      metaDisplay: true,
      favoritesOnly: true,
      animated: false,

Alternate Method (iframe)

While the embed code is preferred, in some cases it may be necessary to embed the entire capsule experience on another site via an iFrame.

Here's an example iframe tag that requests the necessary permissions:

<iframe src="https://your-capsule-url" allow="camera; microphone; clipboard-read; clipboard-write" width="100%" height="100%" frameBorder="0" allowusermedia></iframe>

If you do not have a Capsule yet, you can use "https://demo-pro.capsule.video" as the URL for testing.

The parent page must be loaded via https (SSL/TLS) to enable camera/mic usage.

Last updated