Fetch API

Query the Capsule API to fetch videos from a Capsule (video collection) with various filters, such as the email address of the person who submitted the videos

Expand endpoint spec below to see parameters and a sample response.

These API endpoints require an API Key. Your organization's API Key can be found in Settings -> Developer in your Capsule dashboard.

Capsule API Keys should be treated as application secrets and not used client-side, since they can be used to fetch user data.

Fetch multiple videos

Returns an array of videos, with various filters & pagination

GET GET https://api.capsule.video/videos

Expand this section for parameters and example response.

Query Parameters


   "videos": [
         "captions" : [
               "language" : "en",
               "url" : "https://url.to/transcript.vtt"
         "createdAt" : "2021-07-020T19:00:00Z",
         "download" : "https://url.to/download.mp4",
         "email" : "john@test.com",
         "id" : "G5Rs47hK39dg",
         "metadata" : {
            "category" : "e1234-category-1",
            "data1" : "Name",
            "question" : "Question?"
         "thumbnail" : "https://url.to/thumb.jpg",
         "thumbnailStrip" : "https://url.to/strip.jpg",
         "video" : "https://url.to/play.mp4"

Fetch a single video

Returns the details for a single video

GET https://api.capsule.video/videos/<video_id>

Expand this section for parameters and example response.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters


    "captions" : [
          "language" : "en",
          "url" : "https://url.to/transcript.vtt"
    "createdAt" : "2021-07-020T19:00:00Z",
    "download" : "https://url.to/download.mp4",
    "email" : "john@test.com",
    "id" : "G5Rs47hK39dg",
    "metadata" : {
       "category" : "e1234-category-1",
       "data1" : "Name",
       "question" : "Question?"
    "thumbnail" : "https://url.to/thumb.jpg",
    "thumbnailStrip" : "https://url.to/strip.jpg",
    "video" : "https://url.to/play.mp4"

Last updated